Saturday, June 8, 2013

Going in the Wrong Direction!

Hello out there!
Happy Saturday to you all.  I'm soo happy it's the weekend. :)  The rest of this week was much calmer.  I went to the dr yesterday for strange sharp chest pain on one side that came on all of a sudden when I breathed deep all week.  As for the pain, I was pretty sure it wasn't heart or lungs because I continued to workout all week and didn't keel over.  The true test! Ha! :)  Turns out it was Chostochondritis or more specifically Tietze Syndrome.  Huh?!  It is inflammation of the cartilage that joins the ribs to the breastbone. Tietze syndrome (sounds like a bug!) is accompanied by a localized swelling at the painful area (the junction of the ribs and breastbone).  It can be caused by a respiratory infection (which I had possibly very minor symptoms of), otherwise it is of unknown origin.  Great, add another strange medical ailment to the list!  I'm a new doctor or medical student's dream. :)  I am feeling better now, so at least it was short lived and I didn't waste my weekend at urgent care.

At the drs, they weighed me, but I declined to look.  I only go by the WW scale.  But, the WW scale has become my red double horned beast with a pitch fork and wicked smile!  I was really wanting a loss at WI today, after the "unknown" gain last week.  Honestly, I didn't know how it was going to go. Again, I had this inkling that it would be a small loss if any.  Gained 0.2 lbs!  What? Are you freaking serious??!!  Okay weight loss Gods, what is going on?  I was not happy.  It put me in a bit of a foul mood to be going backwards.  I mean, I could totally be okay with it if I knew it was because I was splurging or enjoying some great food or dessert or drink, but I'm not!  I've avoided the alcohol, the cookies, the donuts, the cake, the catered lunches at work.  I've even had longer cardio workouts lately (i.e. 3 miles!).  Soo, time to analyze the situation.

I am being tested!! Kidding. A few things went through my head.  1) My ankles have been quite swollen lately so I think I'm eating too much salt, and I know I don't drink enough water.  That will be my number 1 goal for this week!  2) Am I not eating enough? Perhaps.  This one is always hard for me to figure out. I eat all of my daily points, usually half of the weekly points, and don't convert activity points to food points.  It was working for me, I'm not usually hungry, but now I'm confused.  3) Our dinner delivery service has been on maternity leave so we went to a new service.  They are individual meals with the nutrition on them, low-carb, from a fitness place.  Could the nutrition labels be wrong??  4) I've been eating out a bit more at mom and pop type places (that don't have the nutrition available), but I order healthy the best I can and tend to overestimate on the points (or so I think!).  I'm in a quandary.  I will not have a third week of gain you scale devil....I will defeat you!

Started by going to the gym this afternoon and had a fast paced long workout.  It felt good.  Cut 20 seconds more off my 1 mile time.  Hi-ya karate chop evil scale devil, you are toast!

Last week at our meeting, a woman who lost 80 lbs spoke.  It was perfect timing, because I sooo needed to hear this.  She said, the first time she did WW, she had lost 30 lbs (needed to lose about 50). One week she gained 5 lbs.  That threw her into a funk and derailed her, started the spiral down and weight back up.  When she got around to doing WW the second time, she now needed to lose 80 lbs.  She said, gaining 5 lbs puts you still closer to your goal and further from the starting gate.  It's only 5 lbs.  It's a week, two, maybe 3 weeks of setback.  Let everything fly out the window and it's a year or two of setback, and further from the starting gate to goal.

This is keeping me motivated in a time like this.  Because in the past, I would have thrown the towel in and said ef''it, if I'm going to gain I might as well eat all the good stuff!

Hubby lost 1 lb for a total of 30 lbs! Excited for him, I can notice his loss. :)

Enjoy a fabulous Sunday!

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